Mumbo Jumbo is hiring Contact Animators.

apartmentMUMBO JUMBO placeSassari descriptionTempo determinato scheduleFull-time calendar_month 

Mumbo Jumbo Entertainment is hiring contact animators and sports tournament organizers for their resorts in Greece.

Mumbo Jumbo is seeking candidates with the following requirements:
  • Willingness to relocate
  • Friendliness, strong communication skills, ability to establish positive interpersonal relationships
  • Attitude towards teamwork and group dynamics
  • Organizational skills
  • Mandatory knowledge of the English language
  • Preferential knowledge of the French language The search is open to both genders and to candidates with no prior experience.
Contract Type: Fixed-term employment (as per the National Collective Labor Agreement), with free accommodation and meals provided, as well as other benefits related to the group's activities.

